
Michael Hüter

© Christophe Staelens, "kind of blue"
Michael Hüter is a historian, childhood researcher, publisher, author and pianist.
The writer was born in 1968 in Carinthia, Austria. During the 1990s, he studied history, German literature, philosophy and art history at the University of Salzburg. From 1996 to 2012 Michael Hüter worked as an independent pianist and composer. In 2014 the piano solo CD It’s my Way to Paradise was released. Since March 2024, the CD has also been available on various music streaming services such as Spotify and i-Tunes. 

Nine years of court proceedings on parental custody, “one of the most startling judiciary scandals to ever happen in Austria” (weekly magazine “NEWS”), as well as countless investigations into the misery and suffering of the children of divorce, provided the basis of the book “War Against Fathers. The family drama of a child of divorced parents“. The book was republished in June 2020 with the title: Ich will zu dir! Trennungskinder, Muttervergiftung, Staatsterror. Edition Liberi & Mundo, 2020

KINDHEIT 6.7. Ein Manifest. Edition Liberi & Mundo, 2018 ("Childhood 6.7")
Childhood 6.7, the result of many years of investigative research, represents both a history of childhood and a critique of human civilization. The book is a passionate plea for the humane and “species-appropriate”, expitaxial growth of children, for a new valuing of familial socialization and for complete freedom in respect to education and learning. The author is father of three children.

The English edition reads: CHILDHOOD 6.7 A History of Family Sozialisation and the Education and Schooling of the Human Being, Edition Liberi & Mundo, May 2022

Michael Hüter's bestseller: KINDHEIT 6.7
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